RCT clinic in Gurgaon

Best Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon

Symmetry Dentals employs the Advanced Rotary Endodontics Technique for the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon, ensuring a streamlined and effective process. This technique offers significant advantages over traditional manual root treatments.

Our patients benefit from faster treatment times, often completed in just one appointment by our experienced professionals. Moreover, the procedure is notably more comfortable, as advancements in technology have made it virtually pain-free.

Patients can also trust in the reliability and comfort of the procedure, with our team ensuring a smooth experience throughout. The flexibility of the instruments used allows for greater precision, enhancing the overall quality of the treatment.

Ultimately, our commitment to utilizing the latest techniques and providing top-notch care leads to consistently effective results for our patients undergoing root canal treatment in Gurgaon.

About Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment (RCT) is a dental procedure aimed at saving a severely damaged or infected tooth by removing the infected pulp tissue from inside the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and then sealing them to prevent further infection.

The pulp is the soft tissue located in the center of the tooth, containing blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes infected or inflamed, it can cause intense pain and sensitivity. Common reasons for pulp infection or inflammation include deep decay, trauma to the tooth, repeated dental procedures on the same tooth, faulty crowns, or cracks and chips in the tooth.

During a root canal procedure, our dentist or endodontist (a specialist in treating dental pulp and related problems) numbs the tooth and surrounding area with local anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort. They then create an opening in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp chamber and root canals. Using specialized instruments, they carefully remove the infected or damaged pulp tissue and clean the inside of the tooth thoroughly.

Once the tooth is cleaned and disinfected, the root canals are filled with a biocompatible material, usually gutta-percha, to seal them off and prevent bacteria from re-entering. In some cases, a dental post may be placed inside the root canal to provide additional support for the restoration.

Our highly skilled team at Symmetry Dentals is dedicated to delivering the best possible care for our patients. We utilize the latest advancements in dental technology and techniques to ensure precise and the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon.

Why Crowns are needed after RCT

Crowns are often needed after root canal treatment (RCT) for several important reasons :

  • Restoring Tooth Strength

    : During root canal treatment, the infected or damaged pulp inside the tooth is removed, leaving the tooth hollowed out. This can weaken the structure of the tooth, making it more susceptible to fracture or breakage. A crown is placed over the tooth to provide strength and support, protecting it from further damage.
  • Preventing Fractures

    : Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment are more prone to fractures, especially if they have large fillings or extensive decay. A crown covers the entire tooth, distributing chewing forces evenly and reducing the risk of fractures.
  • Sealing Out Bacteria

    : A properly fitted crown seals the tooth, preventing bacteria from re-entering and causing reinfection. This is crucial for maintaining the success of the root canal treatment and preserving the health of the tooth in the long term.
  • Restoring Functionality

    : After the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon, the tooth may lose some functionality or stability. A crown restores the tooth's ability to bite and chew properly, allowing you to eat comfortably and maintain normal oral function.
  • Improving Aesthetics

    : In addition to strengthening the tooth, crowns can also improve its appearance. Crowns are customized to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Overall, crowns play a vital role in preserving the integrity and function of teeth that have undergone root canal treatment. They provide long-lasting protection and support, allowing you to enjoy a healthy and functional smile for years to come.

Why Choose Symmetry Dentals for Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon?

When you choose Symmetry Dentals for the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon, you can expect :

Expert Diagnosis :

Our experienced dentists will carefully evaluate your condition to determine if a root canal is necessary. We utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to accurately assess the extent of the infection.

Personalized Treatment Plan :

We understand that every patient is unique, so we tailor the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon to meet your specific needs and goals. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities throughout the entire process.

Gentle Care :

Root canal treatment may have a reputation for being uncomfortable, but at Symmetry Dentals, we strive to make your experience as pain-free as possible. We use advanced anesthesia techniques to ensure that you remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

Comprehensive Aftercare :

After your root canal treatment in Gurgaon, our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your tooth as it heals. We are always available to address any concerns or questions you may have during your recovery.

Don't let tooth pain or infection disrupt your life any longer. Trust the experts at Symmetry Dentals to provide you with the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon. Schedule your appointment with us today and take the first step towards restoring your oral health and smile!